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Birth of Shri Brahma, Shri Vishnu and Shri Shiv and what are three Gunas? (Evidence in Puranas)

 Birth of Shri Brahma, Shri Vishnu and Shri Shiv

This truth is taken from our holy book that how did Brahma-Vishnu-mahesh was born?
Now you will see all the evidences.
Kaal (Brahm) in the starting of his creation of nature said to Prakriti (Durga) that he wants sex with her and he will it forcefully because Durga did not prefer it. She had told about this sin to Kaal before and she again pleaded with him - ‘Have some shame. Firstly, you are my elder brother because you (Brahm) were born from an egg by the word-power of the same Complete God (KavirDev), and later I was also born from the same Supreme God’s word. Secondly, I have come out of your stomach, so I am your daughter now and you are my father. It would be highly sinful to malign these pure relationships. I have the word-power granted by father. I will produce as many living beings as you will say with my word. Jyoti Niranjan ignored all appeals of Durga and said that I have already received the punishment I deserved; I have been expelled from Satlok. Now I will do whatever I wish. Saying this, Kaal Purush (Kshar Purush) forcefully married Durga who then gave birth to three sons (Brahma ji – equipped with Rajogun, Vishnu ji – equipped with Satogun and Shiv Shankar ji – equipped with Tamogun).

Brahm keeps the three sons unconscious through Durga until they grow up. When they grow up, Brahm brings Shri Brahma ji back to consciousness on a lotus flower, Shri Vishnu ji on a snake bed (Shesh Shaiya) and Shri Shiv ji on a Kailash mountain, and then assembles them together. Thereafter, Prakriti (Durga) gets these three married off. Then they are appointed as ministers of one department each in three Loks [Heaven (Swarglok), Earth (Prithvilok) and Nether world (Patal lok)] in one brahmand. Like, Shri Brahma ji of Rajogun department, Shri Vishnu ji of Satogun department and Shri Shiv/Shankar ji of Tamogun department; and Brahm himself holds the position of Chief Minister in a concealed manner (MahaBrahma – MahaVishnu – MahaShiv).

 In one Brahmand, Brahm has created one Brahmlok. In that, he has built three secret places. One is Rajogun-dominated place where this Brahm (Kaal) himself lives in MahaBrahma (chief minister) form and keeps his wife Durga in MahaSavitiri form. The son, who is born from their union in this place, automatically becomes Rajoguni. The second place has been built Satogundominated. There this Kshar Purush himself lives in MahaVishnu form and keeping his wife Durga in MahaLakshmi form gives birth to a son whom he names Vishnu. This child is endowed with Satogun. This Kaal has also built a third Tamogun-dominated place there. There he himself lives in SadaShiv form and keeps his wife Durga in MahaParvati form. They name the son, who is born from their husband-wife behaviour, as Shiv and endow him with Tamogun.
(For reference see Holy Shri Shiv Mahapuran, Vidhveshwar Sanhita, Page 24 – 26 in which apart from Brahma, Vishnu, Rudra and Maheshwar, there is Sadashiv;
and Rudra Sanhita, Chapter 6, 7 and 9, Page no. 100 to 105 and 110,
translator Shri Hanuman Prasad Poddar, Published from Gita Press Gorakhpur;
and Holy Shrimad Devi Mahapuran, Third Skand,Page no. 114 to 123, published from Gita Press Gorakhpur,
 translator - Shri Hanuman Prasad Poddar, Chiman Lal Goswami).

Brahm keeps these three in ignorance, and for his food, gets living beings produced by Shri Brahma, preserved by Shri Vishnu (by developing love and affection in everyone to keep them in Kaal lok) and destroyed by Shri Shiv [because Kaal Purush has to take out the grime from the immaterial/astral bodies (Sukshm Shareer(A type of a soul)) of one-lakh human beings to eat it, because of the effect of the curse on him. For that there is a piece of rock (tapatshila) in the twenty-first brahmand, which automatically remains hot. He melts the grime on it and then eats it. Souls do not die but the pain is unbearable. Then, on the basis of their actions (karmas), he grants other bodies to the souls].

For example, there are three rooms in a house. If in one room, there are indecent pictures on the wall, then on entering that room, similar vulgar thoughts crop up in mind. In the second room, if there are pictures of sages, saints and devotees, then good thoughts keep emerging in the mind and one only remains engrossed in the thoughts of God. In the third room, if there are pictures of patriots and martyrs then similar passionate and zealous thoughts arise in mind. Similarly, Brahm (Kaal) with his wisdom has created the above-mentioned three places dominating in the three qualities (gunas).

“What are the Three Gunas?
 With Evidence
” “The three gunas (qualities) are Rajgun-Brahma, SatgunVishnu, and Tamgun Shiv. They have taken birth from Brahm (Kaal) and Prakriti (Durga) and all three are mortal.”

Evidence: - Shri Shiv Mahapuran, published from Gitapress Gorakhpur,
edited by Shri Hanuman Prasad Poddar,
Page no. 24 to 26, Vidhveshwar Sanhita, and page no. 110, Chapter 9, Rudra Sanhita
“In this way, Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiv, the three gods have qualities, but Shiv (Brahm-Kaal) is said to be beyond qualities.”

Second evidence: - Shrimad Devibhagavat Puran, published from Gitapress Gorakhpur,
edited by Shri Hanuman Prasad Poddar and Chiman Lal Goswami,
Skand Third, Chapter 5, Page 123: -
God Vishnu prayed to Durga: said that I (Vishnu), Brahma, and Shankar are existing by your grace. We have birth (aavirbhaav) and death (tirobhaav). We are not eternal (immortal). Only you are eternal, are the mother of the world (jagat janani), are Prakriti, and Goddess Sanatani (existing for time immemorial).
God Shiv said: If god Brahma and god Vishnu have taken birth from you, then am I, Shankar, who was born after them and perform Tamoguni leela (divine play), not your son? Henceforth, you are my  mother too. Your gunas are always present everywhere in this world’s creation, preservation, and destruction. Born of these three gunas (qualities), we, Brahma, Vishnu, and Shankar, remain devoted to work according to the regulations.
The above-mentioned description is from Shri Devimahapuran which is only translated in Hindi in which some of the facts have been concealed. Therefore, see this very evidence in Shri MadDevibhagavat Mahapuran Sabhashtikam Smahatyam, Khemraj Shri Krishna Das Prakashan Mumbai.
In this, Hindi translation is written along with Sanskrit. Skand 3, Chapter 4, Page no. 10, Verse 42
 Brahma Aham IshwarH fil te prabhawatsarve vyaM jani yuta na yada tu nityaH, Ke anye suraH shatmakh pramukhaH chnitya nitya twamev janani PrakritiH Purana | (42)

Translation: - O Mother! Brahma, I, and Shiv take birth from your influence only; we are not eternal, that is, we are not immortal, then how can other Indra etc. gods be eternal. Only you are immortal, are Prakriti and Sanatani Devi (42). 

Page no. 11-12 Chapter 5, Verse 8: - Yadi dayardramna na

sadambike kathamhaM vihitH ch tamogunaH kamaljashch rajogunsambhavH suvihitH kimu satvguno HariH | (8)

Translation: - God Shankar said, “O Mother! If you are kind to us then why did you make me Tamogun, why did you makeBrahma, who has originated from lotus, Rajgun, and why did you make Vishnu, Satgun?”, meaning, why did you engage us in the evil deed of the birth and death of the living beings?

Verse 12: - Ramayse swapatiM purushM sada tav gatiM na hi vih vidam shive | (12)

Translation: - You are always doing sexual intercourse with your husband Purush, that is, Kaal God. Nobody knows your state. 

Conclusion: It has been proved from the above-mentioned evidence that — Rajgun is Brahma, Satgun is Vishnu and Tamgun is Shiv. These three are mortal. Durga’s husband is Brahm (Kaal). He does sexual intercourse with her.

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