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A Unique God of All Religions & Deities !

 Since time immemorial, ‘Religion’ has been a significant part of humanities and their way of life. It has unimaginably evolved and diversified steadily. Its complexity grew with the numerous rituals and customs. Most of us inherently believe that ‘God is One’ but when we really ask this question ‘who is the real god?’ then we probably lose track. Well, this article answers the vexed questions like ‘What is God’s truth,’ ‘Who is the first God’ or ‘Who is God of Gods,’ etc., based on authentic proofs from different Holy Scriptures. We religiously follow our respective Holy scriptures in our day-to-day lives but we fail to read between the lines and understand it in depth. Today, let’s get insight and learn how holistically one should perceive such topics further.

What Is the Real Definition of God?

People have believed in several gods and goddesses, deities, etc since ancient times. However, the Master of lineage is one. The God of gods i.e. Supreme God is the one who is the creator of this whole universe. He is the Father of all who is also indubitably in form. Even after being the Pati (Husband/ Master) of the whole creation, He doesn’t bear any woman i.e. He doesn’t have a wife. Whenever He descends to the earth in an infant form, He never takes birth from a mother and is nurtured by the milk of maiden cows. The Supreme God spreads His Tatvgyan (true spiritual knowledge) through poems and proverbs due to which He even gets the title of a poet. Moreover, He is the indestructible one, worshipping Him helps in attaining salvation. 

Where Does The Supreme God Come From?

Form of God in Gita, Quran, Bible & Guru Granth Sahib | Jagatguru Saint Rampal JI Maharaj

The Supreme God descends from ‘Satlok’ which is an imperishable & boundless divine realm of the Supreme God and all immortal souls. Comparatively, heaven is a temporary dwelling place and not the final destination. The pious souls spend the fruit of their virtues until they exhaust their balance in heaven. Subsequently, they return and take birth on earth (the mortal world). This has been precisely mentioned in Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9 Verse 21 and also confirmed by Gita Chapter 8 Verse 16. Thus, the Supreme God’s abode is higher than heaven.

What Is the Real Name of the Supreme God?

The real name of the Supreme God is Kabir. He is the creator of the indestructible third Mukti Dham i.e. Satlok/ Sachkhand/ Satyalok/ Rit Dhaam. According to the climate of opinions, He is believed to be a common man, a weaver, and a poet but He is the one who exactly matches with the definition of God. He had written the underlying truth present in the Vedas, Puranas, Gita, Quran, Guru Granth Sahib, etc around 600 years ago. Those divine words are equally relevant and eye-opener even today. Back then, He hadn’t read any holy scriptures, yet He was able to unveil the truth from different holy scriptures.

Who Is God in Christianity in Accordance With the holy Bible?

Moving ahead, let us contemplate what Christianity has to say about ‘Who is God in the Bible?.’ 

Is God and Jesus the same? Whether God is in form? If yes, then Who is God in human form?

The Supreme God in Holy Bible & Chritenity | Jagatguru Saint Rampal JI Maharaj

Sadly, it doesn’t offer any better case than what we have seen until now. The distortion, ignorance, and failure to understand the cardinal indication are equally prevalent in this case too.  Christianity believes that God is formless, Jesus is the Supreme God and Adam was the first human.

God (Allah) in Islam As Per the Holy Quran Sharif

Just as we saw in the case of Hinduism, the inherent knowledge of Quran Sharif in Islam has been missed out on by the proponents of Islam. Let us dive into shreds of evidence supporting ‘Who is God in Islam?’

The Name of The Supreme God is “Allah Kabir” | Jagatguru Saint Rampal JI Maharaj
  • Quran Sharif, Surat Furkani 25, Aayat 52: The giver of the Quran’s knowledge (Kaal Brahm) tells Hazrat Muhammad not to agree with infidels because they do not consider Kabir as the Supreme God. The names- Kabiran, Kabira, Khabira, Khabiran, and Kabir are all synonymous with each other and the term ‘Kabir’ doesn’t just mean ‘great.’ It is the name of the Supreme Almighty Himself.
  • Quran Sharif, Surat Furkani 25, Aayat 53-54: It again testifies that the great God Kabir is the one who created the creation and its necessary setup.
  • Quran Sharif, Surat Furkani 25, Aayat 58: The giver of the Quran’s knowledge also suggests Hazrat Muhammad to stay firm for Almighty Kabir who met him as Zinda Saint or Pir. He asked to praise Him and let people know about Him. Lord Kabir (Khabira) is the one who knows all the sins of His children and has the ultimate authority to strike them off.
  • Quran Sharif, Surat Furkani 25, Aayat 59: It traces the concept of seven heavens believed in Islamic philosophy. The narrator of Quran Sharif tells Prophet Muhammad that Allahu Kabir (Khabiran) is the one who created the entire nature whatever is between the earth and sky in the six days. On the seventh day, He rested on His throne in His everlasting place (Satlok). The giver of Quran Sharif’s knowledge admits that He is unaware and suggests Prophet Muhammad to ask a Baakhabar (i.e. Tatvadarshi Saint) to know more about the Supreme or Great God.

    God in Hinduism According to the Hindu Holy Scriptures

    There are 33 crores deities worshiped in Hinduism (Hindu religion). Some believe that Lord Vishnu is the Supreme God and others worship Lord Shiva as the Supreme God. However, the right response is largely unheard or even ignored owing to the lack of complete spiritual knowledge. The reality is all 33 crores deities including Hindu Trinity (Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh), have limited power and they are just the operators of their respective departments. They are respectable but not worshipable as mentioned in:

    • Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 7 Verse 12-15, 20-23, and Chapter 9 Verse 23-24: These verses state that those who worship the three Gunas (Rajgun Brahma, Satgun Vishnu, and Tamgun Shiv) are lowest among men, evil-doers and fools. They do not even worship the speaker of Gita. Following this, they just gain short-term happiness (in heaven).

    Therefore, the response to ‘Who is God in Hinduism?’ is incomplete without following proof according to the Hindu holy scriptures:

    1. Yajurved Adhyay 29 Mantra 25: One who imparts sound knowledge i.e. the true bhakti of the Complete God in the form of a messenger is Himself, Kabir, or Kavir Dev.
    2. Rigved, Mandal 9, Sukt 96, Mantra 17: Supreme God descends on this earth by acquiring the form of a child. He delivers His pure knowledge (i.e. Tatvagyan) through Kabir Vani (Kavirgirbhih).
    3. Rigved Mandal 9 Sukt 96 Mantra 18: As His mode of promoting Tatvagyan will be poetry, devotees will find it soothing and He even gets the title of a poet (Kavi). The same God established ‘Satlok’ where He is seated on a high throne in a bright human-like body.
    4. Rigved Mandal 9 Sukt 1 Mantra 9: When the Supreme Eternal God, appears by Himself in this mortal world acquiring the form of a child, at that time the infant is nurtured by the milk of maiden cows.
    5. Rigveda Mandal 10 Sukt 4 Mantra 3: Supreme God never takes birth from a mother.
    6. Rigveda Mandal 10 Sukt 4 Mantra 4: Supreme God, when descended to the earth, doesn’t bear any woman i.e. He does not have a wife. The glory of God is endless.
    7. Gita Adhyay 15 Shlok 17, Gita Adhyay 2 Sloka 17: Supreme God or Uttam Purush is indestructible and sustains everyone. He is different from Kshar Purush (Kaal Brahm-controller of 21 Brahmands) and Akshar Purush.
    8. Gita Adhyay 18 Shloka 62: The speaker of Gita asks Arjun to take refuge only in the Supreme God after attaining whom he will achieve supreme peace and the everlasting place i.e. Satlok. It is solely possible by the grace of that Supreme God. This implies that the Supreme God is other than the speaker of Gita.
    9. Atharvaveda Kand No. 4 Anuvaak No.1 Mantra No. 7: It clearly mentioned the name of Supreme God Kabir as the Father/Creator of the Universe who doesn’t betray like Kaal Brahm.
    10. Mantra Sankhya 1400 Samveda Utarchik Adhyay No.12 Khand No. 3 Shlok No. 5: Supreme God lives like an ordinary man and explains His true spiritual knowledge by means of His shabdavali (vocabulary) which brings awareness about the hidden Sargun-Nirgun knowledge of the Supreme Almighty.

      God in Sikhism (Sikh Dharma) As Stated by the Holy Guru Granth Sahib Ji?

      According to Holy Guru Granth Sahib, there is evidence that Kabir is the only Supreme God who nurtures the whole universe and He played the role of a weaver while on earth.

      Supreme God in Sikh Religion (Sikhism) | Jagatguru Saint Rampal JI Maharaj
      • Sri Guru Granth Sahib (SGGS), Raag ‘Siri’ Mehla 1, on Page no. 24, Shabd no. 29: It says Dhaanak Roop Raha Kartar” which indicates that the Supreme Almighty played the role of a weaver (Dhaanak) during His time on earth.
      • Raag Tilang Mehla 1, of the SGGS, Page 721: Guru Nanak Ji addresses Kabir Almighty as ‘Hakka Kabir’ and calls Him the flawless and merciful God. After listening to His true spiritual knowledge, Nanak Ji found himself speechless and he sought the refuge of Supreme God Kabir.
      • SGGS Mehla 1, Raag Bilaavalu, Ansh 1, Page No. 839: Nanak Ji explained the existence of God in the form. It is the Supreme God who created the entire nature with His word power. He is the Father of Akshar Purush and Jyoti Niranjan (Kaal Brahm).
      • Praan Sangli, Page no. 399: Shri Nanak Ji has accepted that Satguru Kabir Sahib met him who is in human form and He is his guru. 
      • Holy Guru Granth Sahib, Page No. 1189, 929-930: Shri Nanak Dev Ji met the divine Purush in human form who was his Guru, searching whom he went to Kashi. He gave him ‘Satnam’ (true salvation mantra). 
      • Raag Basant Mahala Pehla paudi No.3 ‘Adi Granth,’ Page No. 1188: Another evidence that Shri Nanak Ji witnessed God Kabir.
      • Raag Malaar Mehla 1, ਮਲਾਰ ਮਹਲਾ ੧ ॥ Page 1257: It greets Akaal Purush as ‘Bada Sahib’ and sings the glory and elegance of Almighty Kabir. It describes Him in form who resides in the eternal abode Sachkhand/Satlok.


        Now, let us recall our question-Who do you think God is? Who is God for you? What is the real name of Supreme God? Hitherto, it must be vividly inferable that Kabir Ji is the one Supreme God whose glory has been sung in different holy scriptures. Kabir Ji is the one who appeared in Kashi, Uttar Pradesh, India nearly 600 years ago, and enlightened the pious souls. He propagated His true spiritual knowledge using soul-touching poems and proverbs. He didn’t marry, nor did he take birth from a mother. He Himself appeared on a lotus flower acquiring an infant’s form in a lake called Lahartara from where the childless couple Neeru-Neema took Him home. At present, this true spiritual knowledge (Tatvgyan) has been imparted by none other than the Jagat Guru Tatvadarshi Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj. Take Initiation Nam Diksha from Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj to Attain Complete Salvation.

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