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who is GOD KABIR

 We know that Kabir Sahib stayed with us, playing the role of a weaver in the Bhakti era 600 years ago. But who was He? Is Kabir Sahib a Sufi saint or what? Is Kabir a God? In this article, we will try to answer some questions like who is Kabir? Is He a poet or some supreme, divine? When did Kabir Sahib descend on earth? Did he leave this mortal world in his whole body? What was that mystery which has been scripted but remained unknown to the devotees? What is the meaning of Kabir? Where did Kabir Saheb live? And what did Kabir Saheb preach about God?

The following will be discussed. Let us start. 

1. The Biography of Lord Kabir

2. The appearance of God Kabir

3.Who were the Father and Mother of Kabir Sahib?

4. Kabir is Almighty God Proof in All Holy Books

5. Lord Kabir’s Death - A Mystery

1. The Biography of Lord Kabir

God Kabir is generally known to the masses as "Kabir Das", The Weaver Saint of Varanasi (Banaras or Kashi, India). The irony is that Supreme God Kabir himself appeared on this earth but came to be known as a "Das" (servant) to the world. He is such a master of trickery that no one could get his secret, bar a few like Guru Nanak Dev Ji (of Talawandi, Punjab), Dharamdas Ji (of Bandhavgarh, M.P.), Dadu Ji (of Gujarat) upon whom He Himself showered his grace and made them aware of His status. The Vedas are a testimony to this trait of the Supreme God (Rig Ved Mandal 10 Sukt 4 Mantra 6). In this mantra, Supreme God has been addressed as a "Taskar" (Smuggler), one who operates by cheating. Guru Nanak Dev Ji has also called him a "Thug", a cheat (Rag Siri Mehla Pehla, SGGS Page 24).

2. The Appearance of God Kabir

Kabir Sahib came in the Bhakti era i.e. in the medieval period of our history. His unique and valuable Kabir Vani/poetry is an invaluable treasure to the literary world.  Many secrets are hidden in those poems/ Kabir Vani that are famous as Kabir Amrit Vani, what did Lord Kabir try to teach through his poems. We have been listening to Kabir Ji’s poems since our childhood days. One may wonder, then Who is Kabir?  The poet / the saint whom the whole world calls a weaver is actually God who came in human form and gave true spiritual knowledge to his beloved souls. This has been proved in all the holy scriptures ie. pious Quran Sharif, pious Vedas, holy Bible, pious Guru Granth Sahib that Kabir is God.

Let us move ahead and know who were the parents of God Kabir when 600 years ago He descended in this mortal world? and where did Almighty Kabir descend?

3. Who were the Father and Mother of Kabir Sahib?

As stated in Vedas, Almighty Kabir is never born from a mother’s womb. He is self-proclaimed. He meets a childless couple who serve him by raising him in child-form. 600 years ago when Kabir Ji descended, Neeru and Neema, the childless couple who were weavers, brought Lord Kabir from Lehartala pond to their home and served him in child form. Kabir Sahib had chosen Neeru and Neema as their parents. This was a divine spectacle of Almighty Kabir Ji. 

Let us do a deep analysis but first Who were Neeru & Neema?

Neeru and Neema- the father and mother of Kabir Sahib in Kaliyuga were both Brahmins initially, who were forcibly converted into Muslim religion as a result of the conspiracy of wicked and jealous Brahmins at that time. Brahman Neeru was known by the name Gauri Shankar and Neema was called Saraswati. They were worshippers of God Shiv. They used to narrate the glory of God Shiv from Shiv Puran selflessly to devout souls. They did not use to take money from anyone. They were such noble souls that if anyone used to give them any donation, out of it they used to keep whatever was sufficient for their survival and used to do Bhandara (provide a common meal) of the rest. 

Other selfish Brahmins used to be jealous of Gauri Shankar and Saraswati because Gauri Shankar used to do Katha selflessly. He did not use to mislead devotees for the greed of money; as a result of which had become an object of praise. On the other hand, the Muslims came to know that Neeru-Neema does not have any Brahmin Hindu in support of them. They took advantage of this and forcefully converted them into Muslims. The Muslims sprinkled their water in their whole house and also poured it into their mouth; also sprinkled their water on all their clothes. At this, the Hindu Brahmins said that now they have become Muslims. From today onwards they do not have any relation with us.

Poor Gauri Shankar and Saraswati became helpless. The Muslims kept the man’s name as Neeru and the woman’s name as Neema. Previously, whatever donation they used to get they were running their livelihood, and whatever money was saved, they used to do a religious Bhandara from the remaining money. Now, even the donation stopped coming. They thought now what work shall we do? They installed a hand-mill and started working as weavers. At that time also after fulfilling their needs, they used to spend the remaining money in Bhandara. The Hindu Brahmins had prohibited Neeru-Neema from taking bath in Ganga. They used to say that now you have become Muslims.

4. Kabir is Almighty God Proof in All Holy Books

God Kabir, Himself comes as His messenger and Himself delivers His sound knowledge (True Tattavgyan). This is also supported by the holy scriptures ie. pious Vedas, pious Quran Sharif, holy Bible, pious Guru Granth Sahib. 

Durga Puran

God Kabir Proof in pious Vedas
God Kabir Proof in pious Quran Sharif
God is Kabir Proof  in the Holy Bible
God Kabir Proof in pious Guru Granth Sahib
God Kabir Proof in Pious Vedas
It has been clearly depicted in Vedas that KavirDev (Lord Kabir) comes in every Yuga, he doesn't take birth from a mother's womb and his childhood upbringing is done by maiden cows. He attains the position of a poet for teaching Tatvagyan in the form of poems/ Kabir Vani to his beloved souls. 

Let us study shreds of evidence in pious Vedas.

Yajurved Adhyay 29 Mantra 25
Rigved, Mandal 9, Sukt 96, Mantra 17
Rigved Mandal 9 Sukt 96 Mantra 18
Rigved Mandal 9 Sukt 1 Mantra 9
Yajurved Adhyay 29 Mantra 25
Yajurveda mentions that God Kabir himself appears on this earth to spread his knowledge. His name is mentioned in the Vedas as "Kavir Dev" which is the same as "Kabir"

समिद्धः-अद्य-मनुषः-दुरोणे-देवः-देवान्-यज्-असि- जात-वेदः-आ- च-वह-मित्रामहः-चिकित्वान्-त्वम्-दूतः- कविर्-असि-प्रचेताः। 25 |

Meaning: One, who brings and imparts the healthy/sound knowledge i.e. the true bhakti of the Purna Parmatma who is kind and the real friend of a living being, in the form of a messenger is Himself, Kabir

Rigved, Mandal 9 Sukt 96 Mantra 17
It has been mentioned that Supreme God appears on this earth by acquiring the form of a child and then delivers His pure knowledge (i.e. Tattavgyan) to His followers through (KavirgirbhiH) Kabir Vaani (Speech).

ऋग्वेद मण्डल 9 सूक्त 96 मंत्र 17

शिशुम् जज्ञानम् हर्य तम् मृजन्ति शुम्भन्ति वह्निमरूतः गणेन।
कविर्गीर्भि काव्येना कविर् सन्त् सोमः पवित्राम् अत्येति रेभन्।।17।।

भावार्थ - वेद बोलने वाला ब्रह्म कह रहा है कि विलक्षण मनुष्य के बच्चे के रूप में प्रकट होकर पूर्ण परमात्मा कविर्देव अपने वास्तविक ज्ञानको अपनी कविर्गिभिः अर्थात् कबीर बाणी द्वारा निर्मल ज्ञान अपने हंसात्माओं अर्थात् पुण्यात्मा अनुयाइयों को कवि रूप में कविताओं, लोकोक्तियों के द्वारा सम्बोधन करके अर्थात् उच्चारण करके वर्णन करता है। वह स्वयं सतपुरुष कबीर ही होता है।

Meaning: The narrator of Ved, Kaal-Brahm is saying that Supreme God KavirDev by appearing in the form of an extraordinary human child explains His real, pure knowledge to His ‘Hans’ souls i.e. devout followers through of His Kabir Vaani by addressing i.e. uttering, through poems and proverbs. Because of the absence of this Tattavgyan, not recognizing the God present then, people only consider Him to be a Rishi, Saint, or just a Poet. That God Himself also says that I am Purna Brahm, but based on the lokved (folk knowledge), believing God to be formless, the people do not recognize Him. 

Aforesaid, proves God Kabir gave true spiritual knowledge through His speech & became renowned as a Poet. 

Rigved Mandal 9 Sukt 96 Mantra 18
God Kabir uttered numerous speeches during his tenure on earth which were compiled by one of His disciples "Dharamdas". These are available to us as Kabir Sagar and the Bijak of Kabir. It is a collection of speeches (Banis / Vani) by God Kabir. To the general public, God Kabir was known as a poet and is still known the same way. However, he was God himself. Even this trait of Supreme God has been mentioned in the Vedas in Rigved Mandal 9 Sukt 96 Mantra 18.

ऋग्वेद मण्डल 9 सूक्त 96 मंत्र 18

ऋषिमना य ऋषिकृत् स्वर्षाः सहòाणीथः पदवीः कवीनाम्।
तृतीयम् धाम महिषः सिषा सन्त् सोमः विराजमानु राजति स्टुप्।।18।।

भावार्थ - मंत्र 17 में कहा है कि कविर्देव शिशु रूप धारण कर लेता है। लीला करता हुआ बड़ा होता है। कविताओं द्वारा तत्वज्ञान वर्णन करने के कारण कवि की पदवी प्राप्त करता है अर्थात् उसे कवि कहने लग जाते हैं, वास्तव में वह पूर्ण परमात्मा कविर् (कबीर प्रभु) ही है। उसके द्वारा रची अमृतवाणी कबीर वाणी (कविर्गिरः अर्थात् कविर्वाणी) कही जाती है, जो भक्तों के लिए स्वर्ग तुल्य सुखदाई होती है। वही परमात्मा तीसरे मुक्ति धाम अर्थात् सतलोक की स्थापना करके एक गुबंद अर्थात् गुम्बज में सिंहासन पर तेजोमय मानव सदृश शरीर में आकार में विराजमान है।

Rigved Mandal 9 Sukt 96 Mantra 18

Rishimna ya rishikrit′ swarshaH sahastraneethH padviH kavinam′  |
Trteeyam′ dhaam mahishH sisha sant′ somH viraajmanu rajti stup′ ||18||

Translation: The narrator of Ved, Kaal-Brahm, is saying that the Supreme God, who coming in the form of an extraordinary child, attains the title of famous poets i.e. plays the role of a saint or a Rishi (sage), the thousands of speeches composed by that God who has appeared as a saint, are provider of happiness equal to that of heaven to the individuals of saintly nature i.e. to devotees. He, who has appeared in form of a Rishi/Saint is Eternal God i.e. SatPurush only; that Complete God, after establishing the very firm Earth of the third lok of salvation i.e. Satyalok, is seated in a saint form in a dome on a high hillock-like throne in the bright material body i.e. in a human-like effulgent body.

Meaning: It is said in Mantra 17 that KavirDev acquires a child form. Then, He grows up while playing a divine act. Because of describing the Tatvgyan (true spiritual knowledge) through poems, He attains the position of a poet (Kavi) i.e. people start calling Him Kavi; in reality, He is Supreme God Kavir (God Kabir) only. The nectar speech composed by Him is known as Kabir Vaani (KavirgirbhiH i.e. Kavir Vaani/ Speech), which is comforting like heaven to the devotees. That same God establishing the third lok of salvation i.e. Satlok is seated in the form in a dome on a high throne in a bright human-like body.

Rigved Mandal 9 Sukt 1 Mantra 9
God Kabir is nurtured by Maiden Cows. Vedas provide evidence of the same. 

ऋग्वेद मण्डल 9 सूक्त 1 मंत्र 9

अभी इमं अध्न्या उत श्रीणन्ति धेनवः शिशुम्। सोममिन्द्राय पातवे।।9।।

भावार्थ - पूर्ण परमात्मा अमर पुरुष जब लीला करता हुआ बालक रूप धारण करके स्वयं प्रकट होता है उस समय कंवारी गाय अपने आप दूध देती है जिससे उस पूर्ण प्रभु की परवरीष होती है।

Rigved Mandal 9 Sukt 1 Mantra 9

Abhi imM adhnya ut shreenanti dhenavH shishum′ Sommindray paatve ||9||

Translation: This Supreme Eternal God, who has especially appeared in child form, is nurtured by a completely maiden cow (who has never been troubled by a bull) for His development through comforts i.e. development of the body through nourishment.

Meaning: When the Supreme Eternal God while performing a divine act, acquiring a child form, appears by Himself, at that time a maiden cow itself gives milk by which Supreme/Complete God is nurtured.

It is further mentioned in Rig Ved Mandal 9, Sukt 94, Mantra 1, that, that God behaves and wanders like a poet and spreads his knowledge via couplets, poems, etc. 

Various other qualities of God Kabir have been mentioned in 

Rigved, Mandal 9, Sukt 96, Mantra 19, 20 
Rigved, Mandal 10, Sukt 90, Mantra 3,4,5,15,16
Yajurved Adhyay 19, Mantra 26, 30
Yajurved Adhyay 29, Mantra 25
Samved Sankhya number 359, Adhyay 4 Khand 25, Shlok 8
Samved Sankhya number 1400, Adhyay 12, Khand 3, Shlok 8

Atharvaveda Kand number 4, Anuvaak number 1, Mantra 1,2,3,4,5,6,7

For elaboration visit the link Holy Scriptures Also The Witness of The God Kabir

God Kabir Proof  in Pious Quran Sharif
Holy Quran Sharif, Surat Furkani 25, Verse 52 to 59. In verse 25:52 it is said that ‘do not agree with infidels because they do not consider Kabir is the supreme god. Believe in the Quran and remain rigid for Allah, praise Allah Kabir’. Also, in verse 25:59 the knowledge giver of Quran Sharif says that Kabir is the Allah who created the whole universe in six days, whatever is between the sky and the earth and sat on the throne on the seventh day, at his eternal place ‘Satlok’. Ask about his worship from some Baakhabar/Dheeranam/ Tatvadarshi saint. 

There is also a proof in the Holy Fazal-E-Amal, i.e., Fazail-E-Zikr, Ayat 1 that Kabir is Allah

Also read Almighty Immortal God (Allah Kabir) In Quran Sharif (Islam)

God is Kabir Proof In Holy Bible

The Holy Bible also says that Kabir God is in form, and he is not formless.
Holy Bible Genesis, 6th day of creation 1:26, 1:27. In the Bible itself  chapter 3 3:8, 3:9, 3:10 proves that God is in form. In Bible Genesis, 18:1 Lord appeared to Abraham which proves that God is in form.

Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB), Iyov 36:5- See, EI is Kabir, and despiseth not any; He is Kabir in ko'ach lev (strength of understanding).
Also read- Supreme God in Christianity

God Kabir Proof  in Pious Guru Granth Sahib

In Guru Granth Sahib there is proof that Kabir is the only God who nurtures the whole universe. He is in the form and has played the role of a weaver in Kashi, U.P.  when He descended 600 years ago.
Evidence is also in SGGS page 24, Raag Siri, Mehla 1, Shabad no. 29; GGS page 721,  Mehla 1. And in few portions of SGGS, Raag Asavari, Mehla 1

For deep elaboration do visit Supreme God In Holy Book Guru Granth Sahib (Sikhism)

4. Lord Kabir’s Death - A Mystery

Often it is asked when and how did Kabir Ji die? Actually, Kabir Sahib did not die. As written in Vedas Supreme God never takes birth or dies. As pre-decided, when the time arrived for God to leave to his divine abode, Kabir Sahib came to Maghar from Kashi to remove the myth that a true worshipper may die anywhere he will attain God. The place does not matter rather the dedication to God is of utmost importance to attain salvation. 

All their disciples had gathered who were from both Hindu and Muslim religions. The Muslim ruler Bijli Khan Pathan and Hindu King Vir Singh Baghel were also amongst them, who were all set for the war to receive the body of lord Kabir. They wanted to perform the last rites of their Gurudev according to their religious way. Lord Kabir Ji strictly told them not to fight for his body, rather live peacefully. Then a sheet was laid on the ground on which Kabir Sahib laid and covered himself with another sheet. After some time, Kabir God made an Akashvani and said that he is going to ‘Satlok’ from where he has come in his whole body. Kabir Ji’s dead body was not found under the sheet, instead only fragrant flowers were found. Kabir Sahib ordered Hindus and Muslims not to fight and live in harmony. Both Hindus and Muslims distributed flowers among themselves and made a monument which is still present in Maghar and devotees worship. 

This is how God Kabir averted the situation of war and left from Maghar to ‘Satlok’ in the whole body. 

Identification of  A Complete Tatvadarshi Saint
How to identify whether one is a complete Tatvadarshi saint?.

Signs of a complete saint are explained in our holy books, i.e. in holy Srimad Bhagavad Gita, pious Vedas, pious Quran Sharif, holy Bible, pious Guru Granth Sahib.

Geeta Chapter 15 Shloka 1 and 4 tells, 'one who will explain the upside-down hanging world-like tree along with all its divisions according to Vedas is the enlightened saint. In Geeta chapter 17 Shloka 23 it is said ‘the Tatvadarshi sant will complete the name initiation process in three times’ ‘OM-Tat-Sat’ (indicative) mantras

In Yajurved  Adhyay 19, Mantra 25, 26 says that a Tatvadarshi sant will explain the deciphering of Shastras/ Religious books.

In Kabir Sagar, Bodh Sagar, chapter Jiv Dharm Bodh the signs of a complete saint are given. 

Samved number 822, Adhyay 3, Khand 5, Shlok 8 qualities of a Tatvadarshi saint are described.

In Guru Granth Sahib the evidence is given.

"Je tu padhya pandit bin dui akhar dui navaan, pranvat nanak ek langhave je kar sach samavaan"

In Quran Sharif, Surat Furkan 25:59, the Knowledge giver asks to seek Bakhabar who will introduce worship to attain Allah. 

Visit the link to study in detail identification of a complete true saint. 

The Incarnation of Lord Kabir in Kaliyuga
As described in the Vedas, Lord Kabir comes with different names in every yuga/ era such as he appeared by the name Sat Sukrat in Satyug, as sage Munindra in Treta Yuga, as Karunamayi in Dwaparyug, and Kaliyuga he came with his original name Kabir 600 years ago. It is mentioned in Rigveda, Sukt 96, Mantra 17 that the Supreme god grows up playing divine spectacle and describes Tatvagyan (true spiritual knowledge) in the form of poems and verses and attains the position of a poet.

Also read God Kabir Comes in All Four Yugas - Evidence in Vedas

Lord Kabir is Present Even Today!- Kabir Sahib remains present as a metaphysical (Tatvadarshi) saint. Today, he has come in the personification of Jagatguru Tatvadarshi Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj. This is the advice to all that Identify God and get your welfare done by taking His refuge.  

All shreds of evidence about the identification of a complete saint indicate Jagatguru Tatvadarshi Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj is the same enlightened saint. He is a complete and ideal spiritual saint with rational spiritual theory. Take refuge and make your life a success.

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