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Is God Personal (having a form) or Impersonal (formless)?

All the religions mostly believe in that God is Impersonal, he has not form like other souls just like us. It is a big mystery. 

But this article will prove you from our all holy books about it that God is not  formless. He has like a human form. Because when God met to the some pious souls like Abraham, Adam, Prophet Muhammad etc, met in a form just like a visible.
Then let's start the article.

Is God has form according to the Bible?

God is in human form, and Bible verses have proved it. What is God's name then? God is in form, and his name is Kabir.

What does God look like?
God looked like a human because he made all of us like himself on the 6th day.

 When God appeared to Abraham and other great souls, he was in form. So, God is not formless, He is in form. God is in form according to the Bible. This article will clarify our doubts about -

  • Is God formless or in form?
  • Who is God, and where does he live?
  • God is In form and Proofs in Bible.
  • Is God Spirit?

    God is in Form, Proof in the Bible

    Proof in Genesis - When God created the world, he created humans like himself. How he can be formless.

    Genesis 1:26 - Then God said, "and now we will make human beings; they will be like us and resemble us. They will have power over the fish, the birds and all animals, domestic and wild, large and small."

    In Genesis 1: 27 - So God created human beings, making them be like himself. He created them male and female.

    These verses are making clear that God is in form.

    Now we see in the case of Adam and Eve. By eating fruits, they developed an understanding of good and evil. Then, when God walks in the garden, Adam and Eve hear him and hide.

  • In Genesis 3:8 - That evening they heard the Lord God walking in the Garden. And they hid from him among the trees.

    Here we see that God can walk.

    In Genesis 3:9 - But the Lord God called out the men, "Where are you?"

    Here we see God talks too.

    When God Appeared to Abraham?

    Now come to the context when Lord appeared to Abraham. In Genesis 18:1 - And the Lord appeared to him ( Abraham) by the oaks of Mamre, as he sat at the door of his tent in the heat of the day. In Genesis 18:2, (given above) Abraham ran out of his tent to attend those three men and bowed to them. In Genesis 18:4, we see - Please, let a little water be brought and have your feet washed; then recline under the tree. Here we see God has feet. He might have other body parts too. In Genesis 18:5, Abraham says, Seeing that you have come here to your servant, let me bring a piece of bread so that you may refresh yourselves.

    We see Abraham is requesting God to have food. So God is eating here on request of his loving soul.

    When God appeared to Jacob at Peniel

    And Jacob called the name of the place Peniel: for I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved. (Genesis 32:30 - KJV)

    Here Jacob is declaring that he had seen God face to face.

    God appeared to Moses in Burning Bushes in Exodus (3:2-4:17)

    In Exodus 3:6 (KJV)- Moreover, he said, I am the God of thy father, the God of Abraham, the God of Issac, and the God of Jacob. And Moses hid his face; for he was afraid to look upon God.

    Also, in Exodus  33:11, we see - And. The Lord spake unto Moses face to face, as a man speaketh unto his friend. And he turned again into the camp: but his servant Joshua, the son of Nun, a young man, departed not out of the tabernacle.

    These verses are declaring that God is in form, he is not formless in the Bible.

    God at Fiery Furnace

    When Lord was in The Fiery Furnace (Daniel 3:23-29), Nebuchadnezzar threw the three young Hebrews into the furnace because they refused to worship his golden image. God appeared to them and saved their life.

    He answered and said, Lo, I see four men lose, walking in the midst of the fire; and they have no hurt, and the form of the fourth is like the son of God - (Daniel 3:25 - KJV)

    We see God appear to his souls and is not Formless. God has body parts, he walks and talks. Also, he appears to help and save souls. There are so many times when God appeared to his beloved souls and was in form.

    Is God in the form of Spirit?

    There is a confusion that, Is God in the form of spirit?

    God is spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth- (John - 4:24 - KJV).

    Then Jesus clearly said that spirit Does not have flesh and bones. Here we want to clear that God is in form. He made us like him (Genesis 1:26-27). He lives in Satlok, the great eternal place. God has a human-like body, but that is made up of only one element, whereas our body is made up of five elements. Thus, we have flesh and bones, but God does not have so.

    There is a evidence at the Holy book Kabir Sagar, that Supreme God has a form.

    Kabir Sagar, Adhyay Agam Nigam Bodh, Page 41 witnesses this -

    Avadhu avigat se chal aaya, koi mera bhed marm nahin paya| tek||
    Na mera janm na garbh basera balak ha dikhlaya| 
    kashi nagar jal kamal par dera, tahan julaahe ne paya |
    Maat pita kachhu nahi mere, Na mere ghar dasi |
    Julaha ko sut aan kahaya jagat kare meri hansi ||
    Panch Tatv ka Dhadh nahi mera, Janu gyan apaara |
    Sat swaroopi naam saheb ka, so hai naam hamara ||
    Agardip gagan gufa me tahan nij vastu saara |
    Jyoti swaroopi alakh niranjan bhi dharta dhyan hamara ||
    Haad chaam lohu nahi more, Jane satnaam upaasi |
    Taaran taran abhay pad data, mai hun Kabir avinashi ||

    So here it has been proved that God is in Form. God is not formless. To attain God, we should take refuge of a spiritual saint. A Complete Tatvdarshi saint can lead us to salvation. Today Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj is here with the complete knowledge of Tatva, and one must seek the refuge of such a spiritual saint to save our life and afterlife. Also, visit Identification of true saint or satguru to know more.

    What Holy Book Gita ji says about the form of supreme GOD?

    Question: Is God in form or formless? Is the meaning of “Avyakt” formless?

    Answer: God is in form. He is in human-form, that is, He has an appearance like that of man. The meaning of Avyakt is not formless; it means ‘in form’. For example, like the clouds cover the sun. At that time, the sun is Avyakt (Invisible) but still present behind the clouds.

    Even though the sun is not visible to us, but it is Avyakt; it is in form. Those gods who are not visible to us by ordinary way of worship, they are said to be Avyakt.

    Like, in Gita Chapter 24-25, the speaker of Gita has called himself Avyakt because he was speaking by entering into Shri Krishna. When he became Vyakt (visible), he showed the Viraat form. This is the first Avyakt God (unmanifested God) who is called Kshar Purush, He is also called Kaal.

    From Gita Chapter 8 Verse 17 to 19, the second Avyakt is Akshar Purush. In Gita Chapter 8 Verse 20, it is said that – other than this Avyakt i.e. Akshar Purush is another Eternal Avyakt Supreme God i.e. Param Akshar Purush. Thus, these three are gods in form (man- like form). The meaning of Avyakt is not formless. Kshar Purush has pledged that – ‘I will never appear before anyone in my original form’.

    Evidence: In Gita Chapter 11 Verse 47- 48, it is said that – O Arjun! This Viraat form of mine that you saw, no one before you had seen this form of mine. I have shown this to you by my grace.

    In Gita Chapter 11 Verse 48, Brahm has said that this form of mine can neither be seen by the method mentioned in the Vedas, nor by Jap (chanting mantra), nor Tap (penance), nor Yagya (religious ritual) etc. This proves that none of the sages, great sages and worshippers saw Kshar Purush (the speaker of knowledge of Gita). Due to which, they considered him to be formless.

    It is stated in Sukshm Ved (Tatvgyan / complete spiritual knowledge) that: -

    “Khojat-Khojat thaakiya, ant mein kaha bechoon (nirakaar) |

    na guru poora na sadhna, satya ho rahe joonam-joon (janm-maran) ||"

    Now in Gita Chapter 7 Verse 24-25, the speaker of Gita has clarified that I remain hidden by my Yog-maya. I do not appear before anyone. I am (Avyakt) invisible. If he is hidden, then he is in form. Even Akshar Purush is (Avyakt) invisible. This has been proved above. This god (Akshar Purush) has no role here. He is limited to his 7 sankh (700 quadrillion) brahmands. Therefore, nobody could see him.

    Param Akshar Purush: - This God has a role in all the brahmands (universes). He lives in Satyalok which is 16 sankh kos (1 kos is approximately 3 k.m.; 1 sankh is 100 quadrillion; so, 16 sankh kos = 4800 quadrillion k.m.) away from earth. The way of worship for attaining Him is not mentioned in the Vedas (Four Vedas). Due to which, nobody could see this God. When this (Param Akshar Purush) God appears on earth in His body, nobody is able to recognise Him. God even says that: -

    “Hum hi alakh Allah hain, kutub-gos aur peer |

    Garibdas Khalik Dhani, Humra naam Kabir ||”

    I am Complete God. I only am Peer, that is, the Satguru (true teacher) who imparts true knowledge. I only am the creator of the entire nature. My name is Kabir.

    But all the worshippers, sages, great sages have only consolidated this knowledge that God is formless. He cannot be seen. How can this weaver (Dhanak) Kabir, a poet, roaming on earth be Param Akshar Brahm?

    Its solution is as follows:

    No wise, God-desiring man in the world considers the four Vedas (Rigved, Yajurved, Samved and Atharvaved) to be wrong. Presently, the founder of Arya Samaj, Maharishi Dayanand, has been considered to be the complete scholar of the Vedas. He also says that “God is formless”. Arya Samaj and Maharishi Dayanand consider Vedas to be true. They have themselves translated the Vedas into Hindi, in which it is clearly written that – God lives in the upper Lok (world).

    He walks from there and comes to earth (in His body). He meets good souls. He narrates the knowledge of true way of worship to them. God utters the (Tatvgyan) true spiritual knowledge from His lotus-mouth in the form of proverbs, verses, hymns, couplets and quatrains through Padas (verses of devotional poetry). Due to which, He also attains the title of a famous poet. Behaving like poets, he keeps wandering on earth. Inventing the secret mantras of bhakti, He tells them to the worshippers. He inspires them to do bhakti.

    The Solid proof of Holy book Rigved about the form of GOD.

    See evidence – Rigved Mandal 9 Sukt 86 Mantra 26-27, Rigved Mandal 9 Sukt 82 Mantra 1-2, Rigved Mandal 9 Sukt 96 Mantra 16-20, Rigved Mandal 9 Sukt 94 Mantra 1, Rigved Mandal 9 Sukt 95 Mantra 2, Rigved Mandal 9 Sukt 54 Mantra 3, Rigved Mandal 9 Sukt 20 Mantra 1 and in many other Ved mantras, the aforesaid evidence is present that God is in human-form like man. There is also evidence in Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 4 Verse 32 and 34. The speaker of Gita has said that Oh Arjun! Param Akshar Brahm utters true spiritual knowledge (Tatvgyan) from His lotus-mouth. The information about Yagyas, that is, religious rituals has been delivered in detail in that Sachidanand Ghan Brahm’s (True-happiness- giving God) speech. Knowing that, you will become free from all sins. Then in Gita Chapter 4 Verse 34, it is said that – You may understand that knowledge by going to Tatvdarshi saints. By prostrating before them and submissively asking question, those Tatvdarshi saints will impart (Tatvgyan) true spiritual knowledge to you.

    We have given you these evidence, and the main thing is that Gita is the summary of the four Vedas. There is more of coded knowledge in it. This has also been proved that (Tatvagyan) the true spiritual knowledge is even different to the knowledge of Gita. Only Tatvadarshi saints (complete saints), whom Param Akshar Brahm meets by Himself coming on earth, know it.


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